A message from Dr Jude

Dear patients,
I hope you are looking after yourself and adhering to government guidelines during the COVID-19 crisis. It is really important that, collectively, we all undertake the appropriate social distancing and shielding measures.
From a surgery perspective, we are trying to do as much as we can over the phone so please refrain from coming into the surgery. Some of our practices are not allowing patients on-site without prior agreement, and we are using an intercom system. In addition, we are operating using a telephone triage system so please call the practice and you will be given advice on how to proceed. Please be assured that the practice will not close and we can still provide the medical assistance you need. Our teams are working very hard behind the scenes to continue to deliver care.
At this difficult time, we all need to do our little bit for the community. One of the ways we can help to do this is to provide extra support for our patients who are most vulnerable. The practice has launched an emergency foodbank operation to help some of our vulnerable patients who may need emergency supplies for a two or three day period, and we need your help! We are requesting food donations (long-lasting items preferred) to provide to those in need. If you would like to contribute any food items then please contact the practice. In addition, we are in the process of setting up a JustGiving page where financial donations can be made to help us provide even more emergency food packages. We will provide the link to this shortly.
Thank you to those who have already donated. The patients receiving the packages really appreciate your kind generosity, as do I and the team at the practice.
If you need any advice or help, please telephone the surgery.
Dr Jude Mahadanaarachchi